I have always been fascinated by handmade pottery, whether made by contemporary artisans/artists or antique/vintage. When my house could no longer accommodate ONE more piece of pottery (although it has now spilled into the garden!), I started hunting items to decorate my business. Although I primarily gather treasures from the South of France, I also get the opportunity to gather some wonderful items from my native region of the North of France, where pieces vary greatly from the South, due to specific customs and cultures within the different regions of France. For example, I found a collection of metal “gaufriers” (“waffle makers”) in a small village of the North of France, which would be hard to find in the South of France because “waffles” are originated from Belgium, close to the North of France (“Flemish waffles”, “Liège waffles”, “Bruxelles waffles”). When customers started asking me about my antiques and pottery, I decided to bring them to you!

Whenever I am unable to personally go “antique hunting” in Provence, I entrust this task to a wonderful antique dealer from the Marseille region who has been in business for over 40 years! I met him many moons ago at an antique village-wide market; he specializes in high-end Estate Sales all over the South of France. “Roro,”as his friends affectionately call him, is everything you could imagine a real “Marseillais” to be: Colorful, exuberant, loud, with a real love for his region and cooking, adding a hefty dose of garlic in just about every dish he makes…. Although he exaggerates on almost everything he says (“I caught a fish THAT big”), his knowledge and passion for antiques is infinite and I could not be more fortunate to have met such a precious ally in bringing quality pieces to my customers…